What is SEO? Search Engine Optimization is an internet marketing strategy that uses keywords in order to achieve higher listings in the results pages of major search engines like Google, MSN, Yahoo!, etc. SEO has three main components: research, testing, and optimization. The entire process of SEO is a balance between these three elements.
Research The SEO team researches on keywords, keyword phrases, web content, website design etc to create optimized content. In SEO, we talk about the keywords, the content, the website, etc. When SEO is used effectively, a site can attain top rank on major search engines like Google, MSN, Yahoo! etc. without spending too much money on advertisements.
Testing Before launching a new website, it is always better to conduct some basic research and test which product or service does the best in getting traffic. The SEO team conducts a series of tests for checking the website’s SEO readiness and performance. The success of each test is a gauge for evaluating the website’s potential. The basic aim of SEO is to improve website’s visibility in search engine results. SEO strategies are based on a number of elements like search engine optimization techniques, link popularity, directories, social media marketing etc. Each and every technique have a different impact on the rankings of a site.
Optimization Testing The goal of optimizing a site lies in driving enough traffic and increasing conversion rate. SEO test plans should be flexible according to the nature and size of online business. It should be able to track the traffic, visitor behavior and conversion rates.
There are two methods of SEO marketing. One is off-page SEO, which is generally a content rich and informative articles and blogs. This type of SEO works well when the main goal is to drive traffic to the website. The other one is deep optimization, which focuses more on the site’s internal structure and codes. This type of SEO requires deeper submission to various directories.
SEO after-market campaigns One can engage into an off-page or deep optimization campaign as per his requirements. One can write an SEO friendly content, optimize titles and other HTML tags, submit the site to major search engines, create a title optimization file, article spinners and many more. Deep optimization process works by building backlinks to the main site from various article submission sites, social bookmarking, blog commenting and directory submission. Keyword analysis is also done for better ranking. Back links have a great impact on the website’s SEO rankings.
On-page SEO One can focus on the main keywords of a particular topic in a way to attract more visitors to the website. Keyword analysis is important while optimizing a website. This helps one to know what keywords are commonly searched. One can make use of free keyword suggestion tools and other SEO tools for better website positioning.
Off-page SEO Another technique to attract more traffic is to optimize websites using off-page SEO techniques. SEO articles, directory submissions, press releases, directory syndication and link building are some such strategies. Content writing is another important technique. Writing SEO friendly content will help one to stand out in the crowd. Off-page SEO strategies include article submission, forum posting, blogging, video promotion, video sharing and many more. This type of marketing helps to get a huge amount of targeted traffic to the website.
Content marketing A content marketing strategy enables one to build backlinks and increase organic search engine rankings. This marketing technique is mostly used by businesses that have an online presence. Content marketing helps in content creation, distribution and updating of business information. For example: a travel industry may write reviews and other content related to various travel products and services. In turn, this creates an awareness about the product and engages potential customers in the travel industry.
These are just some of the various methods used for search engine optimization. There are various other methods that help to generate higher quality traffic to a website. SEO companies usually offer a range of SEO services including article marketing, link building, social media optimization, website designing, search engine marketing, pay per click management and other off-page SEO techniques. One can always seek the advice of an SEO company for best results in SEO.
SEO is a continuously evolving field with new trends appearing every now and then. Hence it is best to conduct thorough research on the various methods of SEO and choose a method that suits your business requirements best. Moreover, it is also important to monitor the progress of SEO regularly. For effective results it is important to regularly update the content on your website so as to keep pace with the market changes. Keeping a constant eye on SEO will definitely prove to be beneficial for your website.